Wednesday, February 12, 2020


eXpress Feelings....Emotions..affection.. love, hate, like, care, friendship, fear, Anxiety, anger, control, sadness, depression, inadequacy, confusion, hurt, lonely, guilt, shame, joy, happiness, trust, compassion, truth, contentment, and satisfaction and and many more what ever we feel or emot-ions.


All the Babies can feel distress, interest, disgust, and happiness from birth, and can communicate these through facial expressions and bodily posture. 

Infants begin showing a spontaneous "convivial smile" around age 8 to 12 weeks and begin to laugh instinctively around age 16 weeks from their birth.

As you look at your new baby, you probably wonder what he or she is thinking or feeling at that moment. 

Does crying mean he's sad? Is a smile a true indication that she's happy? While it's tempting to ascribe grown-up feelings and motivations to even very young babies, there are huge differences between adult and baby emotions simply because emotions are tied to cognitive and physical development. 

Since babies haven't yet gained the experience that adults have, they are unable to experience emotions in quite the same way.

How do you know your baby loves you back? Above are a few sweet, surprising ways she/he shows it, starting with those first few weeks all the way through the toddler years.

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